Friday 6 April 2012

two weeks later

I started writing this post two weeks ago. I started with the photo edits and then.... nothing!!!! OK not nothing. As I mentioned on Monday I've had a crazy couple weeks!! I was alone at work for two weeks (over month end might I add), our work car had an accident and was a write off (which meant I had to do all the driving and sort out the insurance stuff on top of my usual work) , I fought with Home affairs to get a visa for gentleman coming to do M&E for us  ( which is a whole different post), pre-tested a research questionnaire for a Survey I'm heading up to research, with the WHO, the alcohol marketing practises among youth in Nam (and had to enter all the data!!! I was having flashbacks to Honour's year thesis!!!) and spent a VERY interesting week in a conference with organisations all related to Sex workers.... oh and I'm going to Tanzania for a week for training on the a fore mentioned research.

did I mention I'm also trying to start a business?? cos I'm crazy like that :) to launch said business I need to develop a portfolio which is what the photo's below illustrate. (p.s.please Go like my Facebook page )

the computer is essential :) As is a good buddy on Skype on the other side to talk too while you work 
( hi Sarah *waving*)

I basically sat in that open space in the middle of that semi-circle and worked.. 

and then I ran out of glue... and the room looked like that for the next week...


We also decided to tweak some furniture in the bedroom ... I mentioned my enjoyment with moving furniture here . we had some teeny tiny side tables that were two low for the bed and needed some drawers. there was an extra drawer in the Chest of drawers and it was the right Height so we moved it so Willie could use it as a side table..

it used to live here under the shelf but I quite like the open feel it gives

I also moved the shelf in the bathroom from next to the toilet to under the sink ( mainly cos I could visualize my toothbrush falling into the loo when bumped the wrong way!)

But I actually kind of prefer it where it is now too... it needs to be painted or something to give it a bit more 'presence' but for a free shelf ( I shopped our house ) it's pretty good!

to un-wind a bit in amidst of all the chaos I did a bit of crochet :)

I made them for two awesome little people that belong to the awesome big people in our bible study :)

Whew!!! that was quite a recap!! hopefully it's not so long before I get a chance to post again :)
what you been up to lately??

spread the joy

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